
Universal Basic Income

Welcome to the Universal Basic Income: Basic Comics “In This Economy?”

About Us

The royal Us is employed here to give the reader (that’s you!) a sense that there’s a whole team of people toiling behind this WordPress deployment of funnies. There is no team. Only me.

About Me

Lucas Flatter began his comics career in the late 90’s. Those were heady times. Since then, 10s of people have enjoyed his comics. You might have seen some of his works in The Economist (if they had bothered to publish his frequent unsolicited write ins), or more likely, on the internet somewhere. You might have thought, “Hey, that was mildly amusing– it brought joy and meaning to my mundane existence. This guy gets it. I could use more of these comics in my life. I wonder if there’s a website with more of these delightful treats…”. Wonder no more. Welcome to the Universal Basic Income: Basic Comics “In This Economy?”

I’m a professional web application developer by trade and a jack of all trades & a master of none just for fun. I know what you’re thinking: ‘oh he’s a web developer, then why doesn’t THIS website impress me very much?‘. First of all, ouch. Secondly, the quality of the site is indicative of how much I’m getting paid to make it. Which is none in this case. Anyways, I also enjoy running marathons, trying to learn guitar, and working on other web apps and games that I don’t get paid for.

About The Name

What is this name about? Is it a political statement? Usually, in my business, we don’t like to explain the joke. But, What the Hell! We’re all friends here.

  1. It’s good for SEO, maybe. It has high daily searches, but not a lot of competition—especially in the art/comics domain.
  2. I thought it would be funny if as a compromise while people wait for a post-scarcity utopia, they’re provided with my comics instead.
  3. Nobody knows what it means, but it’s provocative. It gets the people going!
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